Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My First Attempt....

Well, this is my first attempt at having a blog, so I'll give it my best shot!

First of all, I am a Christian. I love God and want to serve Him in everything that I do! Every day is an adventure when you live for Christ!!!

I love to travel, which is one reason for the title of this blog. I've been on trips around the country with my family many times, but my first big trip was in the spring of 2006. I went to Papua New Guinea with a group of people from my church, to visit some missionaries that we support. It was amazing!!! That trip completely changed me!!!! The main lesson for me on that trip was TRUST. I learned that I need to trust God completely and that He will provide for me.

And just this summer I went to Mexico on a mission trip with my youth group. Again, I had a wonderful trip!!! I learned a lot about how God works through prayer and how He can use people even if they can't speak Spanish or don't have a lot of construction knowledge or aren't great at being leaders. : )

I will try to post more on the Mexico trip as soon as possible.

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