Well, the first two weeks of college are over. I now know that 15 hours of college classes is a heavy load, but I am also confident that God is with me through every minute of it. (Thank you, Lord!!!!)
This first semester I am taking Biology I, Composition I, College Algebra, Archaeology Method and Theory, and Honors Symposium.
I have a great professor in biology; I really enjoy that class. So far we've been reviewing basic biology and chemistry principles. Thankfully, this is an honors course, so it is a class of about 15 kids.
My composition course is not at all what I had expected. We are required to do in-class writings once a week and will complete four essays over the semester. Then each of us also has to give a fifteen-minute presentation once during the semester. All of the in-class writings, essays, and presentations will be based on early American history. So it has turned out to be a comp/speaking/history class. This is another honors course of ~15.
The college algebra lectures are given in an auditorium which seats 400. That is the largest class I have ever taken! (Obviously, since I have been homeschooled for my entire life.) We've been working on some review and then the first four lessons in the textbook, so it hasn't gotten too difficult...yet. ; )
Archaeology is a lot of fun! I really like my professor; she is kind and encouraging towards the whole class. This is a junior level course, so it is a lot of hard work. I had to write a paper by the end of the first week. We all have these archaeology workbooks that have several assignments in it. In the first assignment, I was given a whole bunch of data (artifacts that were found here or there, how deep they were found, etc.), and then I was supposed to write out a possible history for the people groups in that area. It took a long time to write, but I really enjoyed it!!
The honors symposium is a required course for all honors freshmen, so I didn't get a choice about that one. Every week we listen to someone give a lecture (in a class of 400), and then we break out into smaller groups to discuss the topic. This year the theme is "The Evolution of a Community."
So, that's an overview of the classes I'm taking this semester.
I have a few friends at UCF, but so far I haven't found anyone that I've really clicked with. As it is now, by the end of the week, I'm desperate for some good Christian fellowship.
Thank you, God, for my amazing friends and wonderful church!!!! Thank you for being faithful, and for loving me just as I am.
Help me to shine your love to everyone around me!!!
~ Hannah ~
Monday, August 27, 2007
The First Two Weeks....
Posted by
Hannah R.
4:39:00 PM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
July 27
At Williamsburg all of the historical sites were spread out, so we had to walk a lot. We were exausted and our feet were very tired by the end of that day, but I had so much fun! The first building we visited was the Governor's Palace. From there we went to the saddle and harness shop, the print shop, the weapon and powder magazine, the public gaol, and the courthouse.
I love history, and I have always enjoyed studying colonial America, so I thought it was really neat to visit this town where people like Patrick Henry and George Washington had been.
The Governor's Palace
One of our favorite places was the hedge maze behind the palace.
July 28
Sunday morning we drove to the Jamestown Settlement, where there are replicas of the Jamestown fort, an Indian village, and the ships that brought the settlers over from England. My favorite part of that day was visiting the ships. I love to read about adventures on the high seas, but I don't think I would like to have to be on a sailing ship for very long - I need my space. : )
Godspeed, Discovery, and Susan Constant
July 29
It was a gray and rainy morning. We visited the Jamestown Glass house, where we watched several people blowing glass. I could have watched them for a long time; it was really neat!
Just a few years ago, some people found the actual site of Jamestown. Now there is an active archeological dig, so we went to see that.
The glass house was right next to the James River. We spent some time just walking along the bank.
My Dad, lil' sis and big lil' bro
Later that day we visited Yorktown, where the last major battle in the War for Independence was fought. We all really enjoyed Yorktown. First we went through the museum, then to the army camp, and finally we got to explore the trenches on the battlefield. I loved that the most. Having an extremely vivid imagination, I could all but see the men, hear the muskets, and feel the determination during the siege in 1781. I thank God for the men that gave their lives for my freedom. I thank God for the men and women that are giving their lives, today, for the freedom of millions around the world.
Me and a cannon at the Yorktown battlefield.
Posted by
Hannah R.
8:44:00 PM